Heller, Steven (Edt.)

100 Illustrators

Taschen, 2013. 636 s. 2 vol. Bound + orig. slipcase. New, unread copy.

100 illustrators. 2 vol. in slip-case. New, unread copy. Culled from our Illustration Now! series is this selection of today’s most successful and important illustrators from around the globe. In his introduction, Steven Heller fleshes out the challenging process of narrowing down a field of 600 illustrators to a selection of the 100 most significant. The final cut, including artists such as Istvan Banyai, Gary Baseman, Seymour Chwast, Paul Davis, Brad Holland, Mirko Ilić, Anita Kunz, and Christoph Niemann, provides a snapshot of the highly dynamic and diverse world of contemporary illustration. Features include: A self-portrait by each illustrator and examples of their work. A profile text about each illustrator by Steven Heller. Lists of selected exhibitions and publications. Illustrators’ quotes about his/her work. Text in English, French, and German

600,00 DKK


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