Burke, Jason


I.B. Tauris, 356 pages + illustrations. Illustrated in b/w. Softbinding.

Al-Qaeda. The True Story of Radical Islam. ‘Al-Qaeda’ is an over-used and misunderstood term in the media. In Arabic, it is simply an abstract noun, meaning ‘resource’, ‘network’ or ‘base’. In the West, it symbolises the greatest threat to global security: though its Afghan training camps have now been reduced to dust, no one believes that al-Qaeda was destroyed with them. But what is al-Qaeda? Is it a disciplined, motivated, structured terrorist organisation led by a single criminal mastermind or no more than an idea, a language in which angry young Muslim men can articulate their rage? Bin Laden’s aim to provoke conflict between militant Islam and the West appears closer to fulfilment than ever. But is al-Qaeda the catalyst of this conflict, or merely a symbol of it? With a little Wear.

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