Fox, James

Five sisters

Simon & Schuster, 2000. 496 pages. Illustrated in b/w. Bound + dustwrapper.

Five sisters. The Langhornes of Virginia. The beautiful Langhorne sisters lived at the pinnacle of society from the end of the Civil War through the Second World War. Born in Virginia to a family impoverished by the Civil War, Lizzie, Irene, Nancy, Phyllis, and Nora eventually made their way across two continents, leaving rich husbands, fame, adoration, and scandal in their wake. At the center of the story is Nancy, who married Waldorf Astor, one of the richest men in the world. Heroic, hilarious, magnetically charming, and a bully, Nancy became Britain’s first female MP. The beautiful Irene married Charles Dana Gibson and was the model for the Gibson Girl. Phyllis, the author’s grandmother, married a famous economist, one of the architects of modern Europe. Author James Fox draws on the sisters’ unpublished correspondence to construct an intimate and sweeping account of five extraordinary women at the highest reaches of society. A nice copy, thou a tiny tear in dustwrapper

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