Maffei, I.P. (Johannis Petri Maffei)

Bergomatis e Societate Iesu Historiarum. Indicarum Libri XVI

Venetiis, Apud Damianum Zenarium, 1589. (54) pp. + 281 pp. + 211 pp. Later full vellum with leater title-label (Historiae Indicae).

Io Petri Maffeii: Bergomatis e societate Iesu historiarum indicarum libri XVI. Selectarum item ex india. Author was the Burgermaster of the Society of Jesuits. These are selected letters from India in this classic piece about the missionary church in the West- and East India. 16 books. A very solid and well-preserved copy. Pages clean and spotless. Printed on thick paper.

4.500,00 DKK

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