Leidekkeri, Melchioris (Leydecker, Melchior)

De RepublicaHebraeorum. Libri XII. Quibus De Saccerrima Gentis Origine et Statu in Aegypto

Amsterdam, Isaacum Stokmans, 1704-1710. Vol.1: Engraved frontispiece,(4) + foldable engraved portrait + (2) + 702 pp. +96 pp. + (12) index. Vol 2: Engraved frontispiece, + (12) + 638 pp. + (11) index. Double columns of text in Latin with Hebrew. Bound in cont. vellum. Folio

Leidekker (1642-1721). Stud. Theol. Utrecht 1657. A major and valuable work on Hebrew history and judaism. Leydecker describes theology, philology, history and Hebrew laws and customs. Extremely fine condition: Sound cont.binding, internally clean with no foxing. Prev. owners stamp on free-leaf.

9.500,00 DKK

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