Gebhardt, Ludwig Albrecht

Geschichte der Königreiche Dännemark und Norwegen. 2 Band.

Halle, Johann Justinus Gebauer, 1770. 28 + 2450 pages. Illustrated with titlevignet. + 11 copparplates, incl. engraved frontispice. Bound contemporary full leather with redpainted full edges and golddec. hinges. Golddec. spines with bands.

Geschichte der Königreiche Dännemark und Norwegen. 2 Band. A very nice copy with tiny wear on top of spine. With geografical description, the history from Harald den Hårfagre, Tacitus, the Union of Kalmar, the first king from the Haus of Oldenburg and to the death of Frederik V. 1766. Text in german

4.000,00 DKK

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