Historiæ Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis. Libri V. Cum figuris ænæis. + Historia de Exanguibus Aquat

Francofurti ad Moenum, (Frankfurt a.Main), 1650. 228 pp. + 41 (of 47) engraved plates + 78 pp. + 20 engraved plates + (2) pp. Illustrated with vignettes. In worn leatherbinding. Folio.

1. edition. The Author, also by the name John Jonston or Jonstone, was born in Poland and of Scottish descend. Illustrated by Matthæus Merian the younger, brother to the artist Maria Sibylla Merian. Vol. 4 and 5 (in one) of 6. Upper part of spine and small part of front restored with new leather. B

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