Origines sive antiqvitates ecclesiasticae. Ex lingva anglicana in latinam vertit Io. Henricus Grisch

Halle, Sumtibus Orphotrophei, 1724-29. 8 volum. bound in 4 bands.360 + 28 + 447 + 619 + (38) + 20 + 411 + 10 + (2) + 348 + 16 + 592 + 14 + 522 + 12 + 288 pp. Illustrated with vignets and some folded printed plates. Bound full vellum.

Text in latin. Slight wear on boards and edges, but nice. Hinges strong. The last doubleband (9-10) is loosing. Joseph Bingham (1668-1723) came out with the first edition 1708-22.

4.500,00 DKK

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